
Jonathan Dunnage

Jonathan Dunnage è professore associato di storia contemporanea presso l’Università di Swansea in Galles, Gran Bretagna. Ha pubblicato diversi lavori sulla storia della polizia italiana, fra cui The Italian Police and the Rise of Fascism. A Case Study of the Province of Bologna, 1897-1925 (Westport, Conn.: Praeger Publishers, 1997), e Mussolini’s Policemen: Behaviour, Ideology, and Institutional Culture in Representation and Practice (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2012). Attualmente studia le rappresentazioni del crimine e della ‘devianza’ nei media e nella cultura popolare nell’Italia fascista e del secondo dopoguerra. Collabora a un progetto internazionale di ricerca sulla ‘militarizzazione’ in Europa dal 1945 a oggi. È fra i fondatori del gruppo di ricerca CRAM (Conflict, Reconstruction and Memory) all’Università di Swansea. Fa parte del comitato consultivo del periodico, Crime, Histoire et Sociétés/Crime, History and Societies.

Brexit, Covid and “Partygate”: The Beginning of the End of Johnsonian Populism in the UK?
di , numero 53, giugno 2022, Note e Riflessioni

Brexit, Covid and “Partygate”: The Beginning of the End of Johnsonian Populism in the UK?

The ongoing scandal concerning parties held in Downing Street during periods of Covid lockdown has engulfed British politics, threatening the future of the Conservative Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, as he faces public resentment that while they made enormous sacrifices in the face of the pandemic, often with tragic consequences, he broke his own rules. Though the onset of the Ukrainian crisis temporarily diverted attention away from ‘Partygate’, the issuing of a lockdown fine to Johnson on 12 April 2022 following a police investigation reignited the controversy. The scandal raises several questions about the current state of British politics. Has Johnson fallen victim to his own brand of populism? Are we reaching the end of a style of British Conservative politics ... continua a leggere

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